2019 Tip of the Month

December 2019 “Tip of the Month”

Click here for December’s Tip of the Month (MS PowerPoint) CARVEDHAM

November 2019 “Tip of the Month”

Click here for November’s Tip of the Month (MS PowerPoint) CARVEDHAM

October 2019 “Tip of the Month”

The Stages of Change …. Relapse

Relapse in the Transtheoretical Model specifically applies to individuals who successfully quit smoking or using drugs/alcohol, only to resume these unhealthy behaviors.  Read more about … The Stages of Change Relapse

“I was clean for 10 years, then I drank.” “I fell off the wagon again.”

What relapse statements have you heard recently?

The Stages of Change Relapse Scenario


September 2019 “Tip of the Month”

The Stages of Change … Maintenance

People at this stage changed their behavior more than 6 months ago. It is important for people in this stage to be award of situations that may tempt them to slip back into doing the unhealthy behavior — particularly stressful situations. Read more about … The Stage of Change Maintenance.  

The Stages of Change Maintenance Scenario


August 2019 “Tip of the Month”

The Stages of Change … Action

People at this stage have changed their behavior within the last 6 months and need to work hard to keep moving ahead. These participants need to learn how to strengthen their commitments to change and to fight urges to slip back. Read more about … The Stages of Change Action

The Stages of Change Action Scenario




July 2019 “Tip of the Month”

The Stages of Change … Determination (a.k.a. Preparation)

People at this stage are ready to start taking action within the next 30 days. They take small steps that they believe can help them make the healthy behavior a part of their lives. For example, they tell their friends and family that they want to change their behavior.  Read more about … The Stages of Change Determination

The Stages of Change Determination Scenario


June 2019 “Tip of the Month”


The Stages of Change … Contemplation

At this stage, participants are intending to start the healthy behavior within the next 6 months. While they are usually now more aware of the pros of changing, their cons are about equal to their pros. This ambivalence about changing can cause them to keep putting off taking action.  Read more about … The Stages of Change Contemplation

The Stages of Change Contemplation Scenario


May 2019 “Tip of the Month”


The Stages of Change … Precontemplation

Not Ready ….  People at this stage do not intend to start the healthy behavior in the near future (within 6 months), and may be unaware of the need to change. People here learn more about healthy behavior: they are encouraged to think about the pros of changing their behavior and to feel emotions about the effects of their negative behavior on others.  Read more about … The Stages of Change Precontemplation

The Stages of Change Precontemplation Email



April 2019 “Tip of the Month”

LSI Scoring Mechanics:  If/Then Rules

IF Then Rules Flyer

IF Then Rules Scoring Scenario

IF_Then Rules Scoring Scenario Answers REV


March 2019 “Tip of the Month”

LSI Scoring Mechanics:  Risk Scoring vs Protective Rating

LSI Scoring and Rating_Flyer

REVISED LSI Risk and Protective Scenario_Practice

LSI Risk and Protective Scenario_Answer

LSI Risk and Protective (video)


February 2019 “Tip of the Month”

LSI-R Time Frames

LSI Scoring Mechanics:

There are three scoring mechanics:

  1. LSI Time Frame,
  2. Risk Score and Protective Rating
  3. If/Then Rules


LSI Time Frame: Restricts answers/information to a period of time. Answers are valid only if they address the situation in that time frame.  Answers that do not follow the time frame are deemed an “Insufficient Probe.”

LSI Time Frame Flyer

LSI Time Frame Scenario Practice Document

REV LSI Time Frame Scenario Answers

LSI Time Frame (video)

January 2019 “Tip of the Month”



Prioritizing is a technique designed to involve the client in the decision-making process. Essentially the client is asked to consider the LSI-R Feedback provided to him or her and to choose the starting point for change. This is perhaps the most simple of all motivational strategies and yet it is one that many professionals fail to use.

After discussing with the client where they would like to start first, you will target the behavior that needs to change and begin to build your case plan.


Prioritization Practice Instructions

Prioritization Wheel

Priortizing (video)